This is a collection of things you can downloads, such as custom (optimised) log sheet for Marvel Champions campaigns, D&D one-shot adventures, word searches (related to board games TCGs, etc.) and more! All of the downloads are on our Ko-Fi page. They are free but you can pay what you want or leave a donation.

Dungeons & Dragons One-Shots
- Dead in the Deep by Matt – 3 hours adventure for Tier 1 characters (1-4)
[Download from Ko-fi] [Download from DMs Guild]

Divinity: Original Sin – The Board Game
- Campaign Log [2 players] [4 players] – One-page print-friendly journal log and character sheets to log your progress.
- Journal Log (2 per page) – Print-friendly journal log grid.
- Character Sheet [4 players] – Use for your campaign or nightmare mode runs.
These are just some of them. Visit our Ko-Fi page for more. The resources are free. They are for personal use only and you cannot republish or sell them.