We are Matt and Ina, and Cardboard Champions is our passion project. We play a lot of cooperative games, and we enjoy streaming them and talking with other people about them.
Matt loves both playing and designing games, along with writing and running RPG adventures. He loves building janky decks for Magic, Marvel Champions, and other similar card games. At the website he is responsible for most of the articles and guides, along with the videos and streaming side.
Matt’s favourite boardgames are: Marvel Champions, Spirit Island, Paranormal Investigators
Ina‘s favourite part of the games is to find out how they work. She loves digging and figuring our strategies and mechanics. Ina also works part-time as a game guru who sets up games, explains rules, and helps people pick the right boardgame for them at a local boardgame cafe. At the website besides writing reviews, she designs the graphics and fixes the site.
Ina’s favourite boardgames are: Lords of Waterdeep, Clacks, The Initiative
Turtle is the most important member of the team. He loves playing with boardgame pieces, sleeping on the boxes, and eating during streaming. His purpose is to provide love and cuddles during and after work, and to be the most adorable little (actually big for a cat) member of the team.
Turtle has no role with the website, but models for our Instagram.